Sunday, 26 August 2018

The Untold Story And Everything You Need To Know about Money Ritual (Watch & Learn)

The Untold Story And Everything You Need To Know about Money Ritual (Watch & Learn)

Out of curiosity and dedication to get Nigerians informed, Naijaloded TV team went on a Journey to Osogbo, Osun State capital in a bid to expose all the untold stories of money rituals.
In the compound of Head of all Native Doctors in Osun StateBaale Esu Agbojeniyi Osogbo LandKayode Esuleke, the details of money rituals and attendant consequences are revealed.
  • How many types of money rituals are in existence?
  • Why do some money rituals require human parts?
  • What are the things native doctors won’t tell you when you meet them for money rituals?
  • Etc.

All the answers to these questions and many more are what you will see in this explosive documentary.

Click on the link to watch the video:

Courtesy: Naijaloded TV

Extra from BattaBox:

Monday, 13 August 2018

Music - J.Sam (Inner Court Music) - God is Able to Do

A little piece from the album (I’m Amazed)!;"God is Able to Do".Pray this song give hope to the people in time like this. Free download, enjoy & be blessed:

#Gospel #Worship #song #Iamamazed #Africa #music #innercourtmusic