Swissgolden is a business opportunity designed for entrepreneurs.
Swissgolden trades!!! in investment gold bars (not jewelry).
Investment gold bars are 24 karats of the purest 999.9 gold from respectable refineries in Germany, Switzerland, Russia.
The Golds are kept in Swiss Bank.

Gold's value never drops, it doesn't expire, it's difficult to destroy, it's respected globally, desired,its universal, its an asset which can be sold even in banks. With all this; Its definitely worth having.
Swiss Golden was incorporated in 2012 at the British Virgin Island with it's headquarter in London.
You can buy gold bars and keep them as assets,you can buy 1-100g bars.
For entrepreneurs you can build a lucrative business by buying the gold bar and also get others to buy too from Swiss Golden. Getting others to buy from Swissgolden is where we come in.
It's based on a 7 cell tables of orders; In Preliminary, Main, VIP and VIP plus tables.
Below are the initial investments and bonuses for particular tables.
Preliminary: Investment is €220 and bonus is €800
Main: Investment is €720 and bonus is €7000 ( has 3 tables)
VIP: Investment is €2800 and bonus is €28,000(also 3 tables)
VIP plus: Investment is €9,850 and bonus is €98,000.
All that you require is to start from preliminary or main tables at €220 or €720 respectively. The investment to subsequent tables will be deducted forms earnings from previous tables.
You are also allowed to have more than one order.
All you need to qualify for the bonus is referring a minimum of 2 customers to Swissgolden.
So think about the potentials in Swissgolden....
Remember you are not alone on the table.
Everyone works to close the table because that's the ultimate goal.
So be a Swissgolden Customer today and order your gold at €220 (N90,000 naira) (due to exchange rate from black market and also bank charges involved). To join the preliminary table or at €720 (270k naira) to join a main table.
You can have your bonus in gold bars sent to you via courier, or you can resell to the company and it pays u the € into your euro domiciliary account. The company can also keep the gold for you as safe keep in the Swiss Bank at a monthly fee of 0.1% of the gold's value
Or we can use our bonus to buy coupons used to activate customers' orders. The customers pay you in naira and you give them the coupon code to activate their account.
Or you can request a MasterCard credit card and have the money transferred into it...
The business requires joining with €220(90k), or €720 (270k), then you refer ONLY refer ONLY 2 nothing more than your initial 2 clients. So you don't have to keep referring 2 people every other day to keep earning in Euros.
These include: No products to sell,investment is done once, there's Nothing like re-investment for one to keep earning.
NOTE :Also one can opt out without losing his CASH.
Sending pictures showing certificates of incorporation.
The advantages of this business is over other MLM's include:
1). Investment is done just once so you don't have to reinvest to keep earning;
2) No products to sell except you want to trade in Gold bars;
3). Referal is only 2clients nothing more than ur initial 2 clients;
4) No one loses his cash investing in this business even if you are unable to get your only 2 clients that is you can decide to sell off your account to another client and get back your cash or via swissgolden refund just that €20 out of your €200 goes to the admin unrefundable fee while you get back your €200 ;
5) there 4 ways of several ways of cash withdrawals(via Bank transfers(Euro domiciliary account ),via coupon purchase for new clients activation,via Swiss Golden MasterCard and last via Gold bars purchase with your earnings.
The seven spaces board has four spaces in first row, 2 spaces in second row and 1 space in last row. The last 2 rows are always occupied with people so only four on the first row will be filled on each board.
So when the four spaces are filled, the board breaks into 2. The person on the last row earns n moves to the next stage, the 2 in the middle row now moves to the last row one each on the 2 new boards and the four also splits into 2 each on the 2 boards creating four spaces each for the 2 new boards.
So by the time you are on the bottom space n the four spaces fill up you earn.
For the preliminary you earn €800,then €720 will be used to introduce you to the main board.
When you join to the point where u are at the bottom row and the 7 spaces are complete for u to earn nits called a cycle.
You will cycle 3 times from the main board and you will earn €1890 per cycle.
After the last cycle on the main board you also get back your €700. Remember the €20 is admin charge
Part of your earnings will also be used to place you on the VIP preliminary board , then 3 cycle on VIP board and another 3cycle on the VIP plus board.
The VIP plus board does not have a preliminary board.
After the cycles on a VIP board u earn a total of €28000.
For demonstration. Above is the 7cell board. Four spaces in row 1, two in row 2 and 1 in row 3.
As shown above, row 2&3 always occupied. So the people already occupying the board needs to refer 4 people to fill the first row.
For demo let the people fill level 1 be a,b,c,d. When d comes in and the spaces filled.Walter is said to cycle, earn n moves to the next board..if its a preliminary board he earns €800 n moves to the main board, €720 will be deducted from his earnings to place him/her onto the main board.
The board then splits into 2 where peter and hank move to level 3 on each of the 2 new boards and a,b will be in level 2 on the board with peter, then c,d will also be in level 2 on the board with hank. Creating four new spaces on each of the two new boards.
When a,b gets their 2 each level 1 on Peter's board is again filled so peter cycles out too. Same happens on the other board. So u earn when u are on level 3 n level 1 completes. That's why they said if u are peter n hank, get your 2 each to complete the board so Walter cycles Peter n hank move to level 3. Then your 2 also get their 2 so you cycle and earn.
Text/call/whatsapp me on 08068518410 for more details.