Friday, 29 April 2016


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Current Openings:
The  School in Abuja is seeking to employ suitable and qualified candidates for the positions listed below:

A. Academic Openings:
The American International School of Abuja is looking to hire the academic positions listed below for the 2016-17 school year. All applicants must have United States, Canadian, UK, or Australian educational credentials/certification for the positions that they are applying for.
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Job Qualifications:
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      • Discounted tuition up to two (2) dependent children
      • Medical Benefits
      • Interest free loan
      • Sick Leave/ Bereavement Leave
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      • Maternity Leave

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

How girls are turned into weapons of mass destruction

Kidnapped to kill: How Boko Haram is turning girls into weapons
The question was always the same, she says. So, too, was the answer.
"They came to us to pick us," Fati recalls. "They would ask, 'Who wants to be a suicide bomber?' The girls would shout, 'me, me, me.' They were fighting to do the suicide bombings."
Boko Haram: Why terror group kidnaps schoolgirls, and what happens next
Young girls fighting to strap on a bomb, not because they were brainwashed by their captors' violent indoctrination methods but because the relentless hunger and sexual abuse -- coupled with the constant shelling -- became too much to bear.
They wanted a way out, she says. They wanted an escape.
"It was just because they want to run away from Boko Haram," Fati says. "If they give them a suicide bomb, then maybe they would meet soldiers, tell them, 'I have a bomb on me' and they could remove the bomb. They can run away."
Fati, 16, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, pauses and grabs the three gold bracelets around her wrist. They're a gift from her mother, her only connection to home after she became one of hundreds of girls kidnapped by the world's deadliest terror group, which forced them to marry its fighters.
Fati was kidnapped in Nigeria in 2014 and taken to a Boko Haram camp in the Sambisa Forest.
There was no escape for Fati when fighters from Boko Haram descended on her village in northeast Nigeria in 2014. Her future "husband" was carrying a gun, and Fati's parents had already spent a precious 8,000 naira (roughly $40) to smuggle her two older brothers to safety. There was nothing they could do.
"We said, 'No, we are too small; we don't want to get married,'" Fati recalls. "So they married us by force."
After he raped her for the first time, Fati's abuser gave her a wedding present -- a purple and brown dress with a matching headscarf that she would wear for the next two years while under his control, whisked from hideout to hideout in order to evade Nigerian authorities.
9 things to know about Boko Haram
She says she met girls even younger than her in Boko Haram's stronghold in the Sambisa Forest, kidnapped from their families to be married off, imprisoned and abused by their self-proclaimed "husbands."
Fati's gold bracelets are a gift from her mother, her only connection to home after she was kidnapped.
"There were so many kidnapped girls there, I couldn't count," Fati says.
Among them, she says, are some of the more than 270 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria, whose kidnapping in April 2014 shocked the world.
The social media campaign #BringBackOurGirls gave many people their first glimpse into Boko Haram's targeted abuse of women and girls. But recently the group has embraced a sickening new tactic.
Opinion: Boko Haram and the defeat that never was
Alarming new statistics released by UNICEF show a dramatic increase in the use of children as bombs in four countries -- Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon -- where Boko Haram has waged its campaign of terror in the past two years.
The estimated number of children used in bombing attacks has skyrocketed from four in 2014 to 44 in 2015. UNICEF says that three quarters of all child bombers are girls.
As the number of children involved in attacks has risen, a newly formed multinational coalition has been putting pressure on the ISIS-affiliated group like never before.
Fati's story reveals a terrorist organization that is demanding more and more from its captives as its decisions become increasingly fueled by desperation.
The market in Maroua, Cameroon was bombed in July. "Since that day, when I see a young lady or girl who I don't know, I am afraid," says one vender.
Sambisa, once thought to be Boko Haram's impenetrable, even cursed stronghold, is under attack, the target of relentless aerial bombings and raids by the Nigerian military.
"There were always bombs and bullets coming from the sky," Fati recalls. She feared the bombings as much as she feared her captors.
"All of the girls were so frightened. All of them, they always cried and the men raped us," Fati said, remembering her time spent in Sambisa. "There is no food, nothing. The children, you can count their ribs because of the hunger."
Fati says the bombing runs over the Sambisa killed many of the captives, including some of the Chibok girls. But the raids over the past year have also freed hundreds of women and girls, including Fati, who was picked up by the Cameroonian army after her captors defected and tried to flee across the border.
Children play in the Minawao refugee camp in Cameroon.
Boko Haram kidnap victim: Stigmatized for carrying captor's baby
Fati is now in the relative safety of the Minawao refugee camp in Cameroon. When Boko Haram started raiding the border towns, Nigerians ran here, desperate for food and safety.
The camp formed around them, white tents dotting the dusty ground in this growing city of sorts, already double the size of what it was designed to be.
What they've found is a society turned upside down -- a place where girls are viewed with suspicion, rather than embraced.
"We can have all the guns in the world," said Cameroonian Army Col. Mathieu Noubosse. "They are using girls as young as 8."
The colonel's outpost sits on a rocky embankment overlooking Nigeria. The road below extends toward Maiduguri, Borno State's capital and the birthplace of Boko Haram.
A Cameroonian soldier escapes the mid-day heat at border outpost.
Gwoza, once a stronghold of the group and where Fati spent several weeks, is visible from the sights of the soldiers' machine guns. The worry now, as the coalition continues to notch up military victories, is that Boko Haram will continue to pivot towards the use of young girls as their weapon of choice.
Noubossa says girls make for ideal suicide bombers. The devices can be hidden away under their long veils or in baskets on top of their heads. He says the devices are often remotely detonated. The most vulnerable people in this society are now becoming the most feared.
"These are victims," says UNICEF's Cameroon Country Director Felicity Tchibinda. "But they are being viewed in suspicious ways, and we need to change that narrative. There are long-term consequences if we don't. We'll lose the trust between communities and victims and the authorities that are supposed to protect them."
In Minawao, changing the narrative involves campwide advocacy programs and protection for girls such as Fati.
Vigilantes at a checkpoint outside Baigai, Cameroon say Boko Haram's tactics have changed the way they perceive strangers.
Here, the label of Boko Haram wife can carry serious consequences.
"It's a double tragedy," says UNICEF protection officer Loveline Ndam. She says girls are rescued from terror only to be ostracized by their communities.
Spread out at the foot of scrub-covered mountains, the camp is just beyond the red zone of frequent Boko Haram attacks, but on the other side of the hills, small pockets of fighters operate.
"A year ago, the humanitarian situation was clearly worse in Nigeria. Today, it's the same (across the border), same level of crisis," says one senior Western diplomat.
Security officials say that Boko Haram has infiltrated the camp, but what refugees fear the most is escaped abductees such as Fati.
"If we see a strange girl, she may be a suicide bomber," says Mohammed Amodu, a refugee leader. "Perhaps their mind is with Boko Haram."
It's a sentiment that permeates the area where Boko Haram operates.
Fasumata left everything behind to flee Boko Haram. She feels lucky.
Fasumata, a recently arrived refugee, says when the fighting came to her village, she hid for days under mattresses with her children, unable to move until there was a lull in the fighting. When the shooting stopped, she picked up her children and ran.
"Everyone was scared, no shoes, no nothing," she recalls. "Everyone was running for their lives."
Still, she considers herself lucky. She made it to Minawao without getting caught by Boko Haram. She had heard the stories even when her village was still safe from the conflict.
"If they see someone who escaped from Boko Haram, they think they are still with Boko Haram," Fasumata says, "that Boko Haram freed them to do suicide bombs. Not just in the camp, anywhere in Nigeria. People are afraid because everywhere, if you hear 'suicide bomb,' it is a young girl."
"It is terrible what Boko Haram is doing," Fati says.
Fati, meanwhile, is simply grateful to be alive. On the last day of March, she managed to get in touch with her mother by phone after she found a refugee from her same village in camp.
It took two days for her mother to get to Minawao.
"She had to collect money from people in the village so she could afford to make it here," says Fati. "Now that I have escaped, I thank God, and I am always praying to God that I was able to escape."
In photos: Life after Boko Haram
But she says many girls are still in Sambisa Forest, some volunteering to die so that they can perhaps live.
Story by Minawao refugee camp, Cameroon  for CNN.

Sunday, 24 April 2016


Heatstroke is a medical condition. It a condition marked by fever and often by unconsciousness, caused by failure of the body's temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed to excessively high temperatures.This happens when the human body’s cooling mechanisms are overcome by heat, resulting in a high score of heat usually about 1040F or 400C in adults and 1050F or 40.50C in children. It is often characterised by fever and then, unconsciousness.

Otherwise referred to as sun stroke, this condition is considered a medical emergency.

But this condition is different from a fever, where there is a physiological increase in the temperature set point of the body. The term ‘stroke’ in the word heatstroke, is a misnomer in that it does not involve a blockage or hemorrhage of blood flow to the brain.

Heatstroke generally presents with a hyperthermia of greater than 40.6°C (105.1°F) in combination with disorientation and a lack of sweating.

Before heat stroke occurs, sufferers show signs of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, mental confusion, headaches, and weakness. However, if it occurs when the person is asleep symptoms may be harder to notice.

A symptom of this condition in young children is seizures, unconsciousness, organ failure, and then death.

With the heat experienced lately, there is the need for caution. According to studies, heatstroke occurs when thermoregulation is overwhelmed by a combination of excessive metabolic production of heat (exertion), excessive environmental heat, and insufficient or impaired heat loss, resulting in an abnormally high body temperature.

On the common causes of heatstroke, many medical experts listed exposure to hot environment as a factor.

A respiratory physician, Dr. Cajetan Onyedum, explains that,  “In a type of heatstroke, called non exertional or classic heatstroke, being in a hot environment leads to a rise in body temperature; and this type of heatstroke typically occurs after exposure to hot, humid weather, especially for prolonged periods, such as two or three days. It occurs most often in older adults and in people with chronic illness.”

Onyedum added that engaging in strenuous activities could also lead to heatstroke, if not properly maintained.

“Exertional heat stroke is caused by an increase in body temperature brought on by intense physical activity in hot weather. Anyone exercising or working in hot weather can get exertional heatstroke, but it’s most likely to occur if you are not used to high temperatures,” he said.

In either type of heatstroke, one’s condition can be brought on by the following: wearing excess clothing that prevents sweat from evaporating easily and cooling your body; drinking alcohol, which can affect your body’s ability to regulate your temperature; and becoming dehydrated by not drinking enough water to replenish fluids lost through sweating.

Young people – athletes, outdoor labourers, and personnel engaged in hot-weather activity or wearing heavy personal protective equipment, can experience exertional heatstroke. In environments that are not only hot but also humid, it is important to recognise that humidity reduces the degree to which the body can cool itself by perspiration and evaporation

Onyedum opined that anyone can develop heatstroke, but several factors increase one’s risk, one of which is age.

He said, “Your ability to cope with extreme heat depends of the strength of your central nervous system. In the very young, the central nervous system is not fully developed. For adults over 65, the central nervous system begins to deteriorate, which makes their bodies less able to cope with changes in their body temperature. However, both age groups usually have difficulty remaining hydrated, which also increases risk.

“Sudden exposure to hot weather is another factor. You may be more susceptible to heat-related illness if you are exposed to a sudden increase in temperature, such as a trip to a hotter climate. Limit activity for at least several days to allow your body acclimatises to the change. Another factor is lack of good air conditioning devices. Fans may make you feel better, but during sustained hot weather, air conditioners are the most effective way to cool down and lower humidity.”

Onyedum advised against medications that affect’s one’s body ability to stay hydrated and respond to heat.

“Be especially careful in hot weather if you take medications that narrow your blood vessels (vasoconstrictors), regulate your blood pressure by blocking adrenaline (beta blockers), rid your body of sodium and water (diuretics), or reduce psychiatric symptoms (antidepressants or antipsychotics),” he said.

Citing more symptoms of the condition, a general practitioner, Dr. Omoyili Cynthia said apart from high body temperature, nausea and vomiting could be another symptom.

She said, “Altered mental state or behaviour – confusion, agitation, slurred speech, irritability, delirium, seizures and coma can all result from heatstroke. Alteration in sweating is another symptom. In heatstroke brought on by hot weather, your skin will feel hot and dry to the touch. However, in heatstroke brought on by strenuous exercise, your skin may feel moist. Nausea and vomiting are also symptoms. You may feel sick to your stomach or vomit. Other symptoms include flushed skin whereby your skin may turn red as your body temperature increases.

 “Other symptoms include rapid breathing, when your breathing may become rapid and shallow, racing heart rate and heart ache. The risk of heatstroke can be reduced by observing precautions to avoid overheating and dehydration.”

A general practitioner, Dr. Rotimi Lawal, speaking on the preventive measures, explained that light, loose-fitting clothes are suitable for hot weather.

“This type of outfit allows perspiration to evaporate and cool the body. Wide-brimmed hats in light colours help prevent the sun from warming the head and neck. Vents on a hat will help cool the head, as well sweatbands wetted with cool water, especially for athletes. Strenuous exercise should be avoided during daylight hours in hot weather; so should remaining in confined spaces without air-conditioning or adequate ventilation.

“In hot weather, people need to drink plenty of cool liquids to replace fluids lost from sweating. Thirst is definitely not a reliable sign that a person needs fluids. A better indicator is the colour of urine. A dark yellow colour may indicate dehydration. The same cholesterol plaques that can build up in the arteries surrounding the heart can also affect arteries that go through penile tissue.”

However, Lawal said that heat stroke can result in a number of complications, depending on how long the body temperature is high.

“Complications include vital organ damage. Without a quick response to lower body temperature, heat stroke can cause your brain or other vital organs to swell, possibly resulting in permanent damage. Without prompt and adequate treatment, heat stroke can be fatal leading to death,” he said.

Heatstroke treatment centers on cooling your body to a normal temperature to prevent or reduce damage to your brain and vital organs. To do this, your doctor may take these steps:

Other measures, according to Lawal include immersing the patient in cold water.

 “A bath of cold or ice water can quickly lower your temperature. Evaporation cooling techniques are very helpful. Some doctors prefer to use evaporation instead of immersion to lower the patient’s body temperature. In this technique, cool water is misted on their skin while warm air fanned over the patient’s body; this causes the water to evaporate, cooling the skin. Another procedure is to pack the victim with ice and cooling blankets or to wrap the person in a special cooling blanket and apply ice packs to their groin, neck, back and armpits to lower their temperature.

Lawal said the patient could also be given medications to stop shivers.

“If treatments to lower your body temperature make you shiver, your doctor may give you a muscle relaxant. Shivering increases your body temperature, making treatment less effective. The person’s condition should be reassessed and stabilised by trained medical personnel. The person’s heart rate and breathing should be monitored properly,” he said.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

No going back on preaching regulation !!!

No going back on preaching regulation – El-Rufai
Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State, in this interview, speaks on some of his policies considered controversial and why he must implement them.

You made an observation that everything in Kaduna is reduced to politics of ethnicity and religion, how is that?
What I found in Kaduna State is that in everything, even come and eat, people can bring religion into it. I thought more than any state in Nigeria, Kaduna State has suffered more in terms of religious and ethnic divisions and that should be a lesson to us to walk away from that, but what I found out  is that the elite  have one weapon and that is religion and it is sad. But, unfortunately for them they have not studied me. If anyone has studied my career at FCT, he would know that playing religious card will fail all the time, because the moment you play that card, I know you are an adversary that needs to be put down and I will not look back until I am done with you.
Our religion is our personal business. Most people in this country believe in one God. We believe we are worshipping the same God in different ways. The moment I got elected, the number of people that came to me who wanted to be the secretary of the Muslims Pilgrims Board showed to me that there is a problem. Nobody wanted to be the commissioner of finance and so on. That means there is something happening there in the name of religion.
But honestly, one of the legacies Architect Barnabas Bala Bantex and I want to leave behind in this state is the complete separation of religion from governance and the hypocrisy associated with it. I say hypocrisy because the same person that preaches and incites  people against a Christian has no problem going to the hospital to see a Christian doctor if the doctor is good. He would not remember that the doctor is a Christian then.
The problem that we found in Kaduna State is that ethnicity and religion come first; competence and capacity last. We want to reverse that, because we believe that those who work, those that are competent, those that can deliver benefit everyone.
One thing that has generated controversy is the religious preaching bill. What does the government intend to achieve when it becomes law and how are  you going to tackle the anxiety generated?
Well, Kaduna State more than any state in Nigeria,  if you take out the Yobe, Borno  and Adamawa axis  that have suffered from Boko Haram insurgency, has suffered the most from death and destruction of property, due to misuse and abuse of religion. More people have been killed in Kaduna from words that  people have said and if you go back to history, some of you are not old enough, but I was when Maitatsine happened. He was a Cameroonian that came to Nigeria and started preaching. The Emir of Kano had him deported back to Cameroon, that is the grandfather of the current emir. After then, he managed to smuggle himself back again and continued preaching.
He was preaching a version of Islam that was intolerant, that called other Muslims pagans and so on and so forth. But in spite of what he was preaching, he began to acquire followers and we all know what happened. Military operation needed to be mounted to flush them out. Those that escaped from the Maitatsine moved to Borno State and started the Kalakato sect, which again led to many deaths and destruction. All these came from people that are not trained in religious matters, people  that woke up and started  preaching and  acquiring followers and inevitably that  sect will  grow into large numbers to threaten communities and there will be clash.
That was also how Mohammed Yusuf started. He was a student of Sheik Jafar Adam in Kano. They fell out because Jafar felt that some of the views he was expressing were extreme and intolerant. He went and started his own sect and we know what happened and we are still dealing with it. So, when you have such kind of things happening in your country, I think as  leaders,  we have to sit down and examine ourselves and the society and say what  we can do to prevent that.
In my opinion, it is the lack of regulation of religion that led to all these circle of death and destructions. Just recently, we had the Shi’ite problem in Zaria, following a similar pattern. I believe that before you start preaching in any religion, you should have gone through a system of education, training and some kind of certification. Even those that deal with the physical life get certified, let alone those that deal with the spiritual life. We initiated this bill from the Kaduna State security council, based on reports of new sects emerging in Kaduna State. There is one around Makarfi called Gausiyya, they do their Zuhr prayer around 11am, different from other Muslims. This is how these things start and if you don’t resolve it quickly, they grow into something else.
A woman in Makarfi said Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was speaking to her and sick people started going to her for their healing. The husband of this woman was busy collecting N1,000 as consultancy fee before people could see his wife. We had to take steps to end that movement because before you know it people would start coming from far and wide and this woman would become our next problem.
It was the report of two or three of these that compelled us in the security council to ask a question, whether there is a law that regulates preaching. Then we were told there has been a law since 1984 after the Maitasine problems, the administration   passed the law. It was subsequently amended several times to increase the fine and the imprisonment term. This is a living problem and we know it. Christian priests, the ones I know go to seminary and spend so many years there, they study under a more experienced Reverend to learn what to say and what not to say.
Religious leaders don’t preach hatred; they preach peace, tolerance and love. But today in my religion of Islam, anybody can wake up and start a sect, no control. In those days, from Islamiyya school, if you choose that line, you need to study more books. After that you go to the East (Borno area) for more studies  and training, then from there you go to a mosque and begin to call to prayers before you become Imam in any mosque. Before you become an Imam of a Friday mosque, the community must agree that you are well learned and competent. But now, everyone can build a mosque, put loudspeakers and call himself Imam and start disturbing people at night.
A priest that has gone through thorough teachings and training would not go and ask people to cause trouble and kill each other. They are trained men of God. In Christendom today, we all know that some people would drink something overnight and wake up the next day and claim they are  Apostles, that God has spoken to them. You cannot disprove that because you are not there with him, and he begins to collect followers and when he begins to preach hatred what can you do? Is this the society we want? This is the question. The logic behind this law is to strengthen the 1984 Law so as to regulate and ensure that those that are given the opportunity to preach, at least know what they are doing, they have a level of responsibility to develop society rather than divide it. This is our goal; we don’t have anything against any religion or anybody. Some people have argued that there is freedom of religion. Of course. Section 38 is very clear we must not have a state religion. Every Nigerian is allowed to practise his faith or not to have any religion  at all.
In my speeches, I have made it clear that I am the governor of Kaduna State and everybody that lives here, whether he is a Muslim, Christian or pagan has a right over me as a governor, to give him his right and also protect him and his religion and I would do that with the last drop of my blood. However, those that are quoting Section 38 of the constitution, conveniently forget Section 45 which says that you can regulate any human right if it would affect the right of others. You can practise your religion but you can’t do it in a way that abuses the right of another person.
So, there is nothing in this law that is not in conformity with the constitution, or there is nothing new about it other than its scope. I saw an article that alerted us to what we did not include - blocking of federal highways, but that is in the Penal Code. It is good to have put it there because every Friday you see most mosques blocking roads. Why? And after we sent the bill to the House of Assembly.
In my opinion, this is a law that we need not only in Kaduna State but almost all states in Nigeria and I want to assure you that I just came back from the National Economic  Council meeting, and a  handful of the governors have asked me to send them our own law, because they think they also need it in their states. Everybody is watching to see how we will handle our own. We sent it to the state assembly in October 2015 because some people are saying we sent it because of the Shi’ite problem, No! It was the state assembly that kept on looking at it and saying this one ‘Na hot potato’ until now. But, on a very serious note, we don’t have any ulterior motive other than to put a framework that would ensure that Kaduna State people live in peace with everyone practicing his religion and disallowing every Tom, Dick and Harry to come and say he can preach.
I tell people who disagree with the bill to read it and tell me what they  don’t like. Don’t tell me you don’t like the entire law because we know we have a problem and I am the governor and I need a solution. Are you telling me it is okay for someone to put speakers in the night and start blaring preaching, be it Islam or Christianity, disturbing people? Is that okay? Which chapter in both the holy books says that Jesus or Muhammad (SAW) did that? Are we not trying to copy them? Are they not the perfections of both our  religions? Jesus said, ‘give to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s’. Government is the Caesar.
We have informed CAN and JNI that if they  have problem with any section, if there is anything to be done, if they  don’t  want the government to be involved we will remove it, but they must  regulate.

You promised you were not going to demolish houses during your campaign, but here we are having issues of land recovery. What went wrong?
We want to recover school land for obvious reasons. Our population is growing and we need more land for schools. Every year, Nigeria’s population increases by six million people and already the schools we have are congested because the land earmarked for them have been encroached upon by communities largely because of our carelessness. Because if you fence up a school land, it would be more difficult to encroach upon but the previous governments have not done that and now we are doing that. We started with the Alhudahuda College, Zaria.
Zaria is my father’s hometown. Those that are living in Alhudahuda College are mostly Hausa-Fulani and Muslims like me. We started there because we noticed that the college exhibited the most serious form of abuse and impunity. Now, the college is clean, we are fencing the school and moving to the next phase and that is the Rimi College. We saw that unlike the former college, most of the people living on the land of Rimi College are title holders.
But Alhudahuda College costs us nothing, no compensation because the Land Use Act and the Nigeria Urban and Regional Planning Act says you are only entitled to compensation if you have Certificate of Occupancy and development permit. So, if you have C of O and no permission to build from KAPSUDA, it will be taken down as illegal building. You need both. In Alhudahuda College, they didn’t have any because it was essentially some Village Heads or traditional rulers saying to the people ‘you can build here.’ We moved to Rimi College and that was a bit more difficult because we found out that they all have certificates of occupancy.
So, recovering the land in Rimi College cost us N380 million for compensation and we had to give them alternative land. That is the law and we complied with the law even if the beneficiaries are PDP people. In Rimi College, it was not demolition, we call it land recovery. Most of the buildings in Rimi College will be used as staff housing or hostels and that would make Rimi College a boarding school again. I think it is a tragedy because it was one of our most important boarding schools in Kaduna established in 1946 and was later converted to a day school. We are restoring Rimi College back to a proper boarding school and we will use some of those mansions that we paid for as student hostels, staff housing and so on.
So nothing is lost as such. By December 2016, In Shaa Allah, we will admit boarding students into Rimi College.
We want to restore it back to the old Saint John’s glory. There are other places that have not caught your attention but work is going on. The one that you will ask if I don’t comment on it is the Kaduna Polytechnic and Gbagyi Villa. That is not in our programme because Kaduna Polytechnic is not a state institution, we didn’t even know there was a problem there because it is not one of our schools. We have the list of all our schools and we know exactly what needs to be done and we are doing it quietly. If you notice, all those shops around primary schools are going. We just tell them park before we come and they know we mean business.
The Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic paid us a courtesy call and complained that land earmarked for the polytechnic has been encroached upon. So we asked him to write. He gave us the details and we checked and realised that, yes, they were given this land in the 1970s.
The land was properly acquired, compensation was paid, we have the records and the name of those that collected the compensation and it is polytechnic land. When the Federal Government took over the polytechnic, it moved from being polytechnic land to federal government land. No state governor can touch federal land. Even if I want to give land in Kaduna polytechnic, I cannot because I am disallowed by the Land Use Act. So, these people that encroached have picked a fight with the Federal Government of Nigeria. When they gave us the report, we say we will go and mark the buildings that have encroached poly land.
The first time we tried, the people became violent and chased us away. So we went back with the Nigeria Army and we marked them. During the tenure of the late Governor Yakowa, this issue had come up. Kaduna Polytechnic had complained and he said, ‘let me go and see the extent of the encroachment’. He went, he saw and said, ‘okay, stop it here’. He drew a line and a fence was built. He said he will appeal to the Kaduna Polytechnic to live with the encroachment since the remaining land is still significant.
So that kind of interim agreement was made. The polytechnic did not quite accept and there was nothing in writing but of course, they can’t look at the governor and say, ‘we don’t agree’ particularly, since they are neighbours. Then Yakowa left. The Gbagyi Villa occupants broke the fence and continued building. Now, tell me, should they be allowed to stand? When we made the markings, the community made a strategic mistake.
Kaduna State government has no interest in all these things other than enforcing the law, because within our territory we have the duty to enforce whatever is the law, but we are not benefiting from this land. We are just enforcing the law and ensuring that those that live in Kaduna State comply with the law. They decided, as usual,  to Christianise it, saying, El-Rufai is attacking Christians and I said ‘Alhamdulillah, they are guilty.’ If they had come out and say, ‘yes Yakowa drew this land and yes we are sorry we made a mistake, let’s go back to that line’, we can then discuss it.
You,  a criminal, you broke the law, you stole people’s land and also built without development permit and you are saying it is because you are a Christian that you are being persecuted. Christianity is not a façade  for illegality,  neither is Islam. You can’t hide under one finger and say what you want to say. I told KASUPDA to  go and mark the structures for demolition  and we will give polytechnic their land.
Millennium city is slightly different. The land was acquired by the state government.  Compensation was duly paid to some of the customary title holders and there are some sections where compensation was not paid because  they refused to accept it. We have the plan to build 20,000 housing capacity in Kaduna in the next four years. So we brought some developers that would build at their own cost in the millennium city. We took them to the part where compensation has been paid and gave them title. The villagers chased them away. I went to the Village Head because I know they are the organizers  of the youth that are chasing the developers. I told them that you have been paid compensation and so you don’t have the right to do what you are doing.
What he wants is that they want to expand the village beyond the boundary and I  said they would not have that. I said we should go back to the village and plan it otherwise it will be like Obalende and Ikoyi. I have seen that in Abuja. It is like Garki village and Garki. You just create a slum within the city. When government officials went there for  inspection, they found out that  people had already created the extension for themselves.  So I asked them to bring the structures  down. In this state,  as long as I remain the governor, nobody will get  involved  in an illegal development and get away with it. I want everybody to understand that. When we were in Abuja, it took us one and half years for people to understand and when they did, we became friends but initially it was all insults.

Stories have started filtering out that you were engaged in fisticuffs with your deputy….
I have known Architect Bala Bantex since 1976 in our days at the Ahmadu Bello University and we have never even argued once, because to a large extent we think and act alike. I think the problem that we are facing is that some people think that we are getting along too well in a state where deputy governors are supposed to be spare tyres. They don’t chair Executive Council meetings, don’t act when the governor is absent. We have been informed that no deputy governor has ever chaired an executive meeting. Bantex and I operate as partners and some people don’t like it. They want to create division between us and you know today with the internet you can manufacture any story and it can get traction because people like this kind of thing. They once said I insulted the vice president in a meeting and he walked out of that meeting. So these kinds of rumours are meant to create divisions between people.
I had a story that we had an argument concerning the retrenchment of the state workers. Bantex  and I have never discussed  the retrenchment of workers in Kaduna State. The people that wrote the story are also not quite intelligent because if I was the one to write the story I would say governor and deputy governor slapped each other in the governor’s office. I think that people are just mischievous and I don’t know what their motives are but we leave everything to God, but I want to assure you that Architect Bantex and I have never had an argument since 1976. And I have never slapped anyone in my life. I am not a physical person. I fight with words.


Student dead after slap from Principal’s secretary
Nine months after, the family of Miss Iyanuoluwa Dahunsi are still haunted by the incident that led to their daughter’s tragic, but preventable death.
The late pupil, then an SS2 pupil of Bishop Philip Academy, Ibadan, Oyo State, was hospitalised after she was reportedly slapped by Mrs. Funke Fashina, who was then the secretary to the school’s principal, on January 29, 2015.
Dahunsi developed an eye problem that same day. And despite frequent visits to different hospitals for treatment and medication, the affected eyeball kept bulging out every day.
Although Fashina was later arrested and charged to court for the slap, the affected pupil, sadly, never recovered from it.
Barely six months later, and five days after her fifteenth birthday, Dahunsi died on July 22, 2015 at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
An aunt to the late pupil, Mrs. Yetunde Orindare-Ajayi, recalled, “A few days before Dahunsi’s death, she was referred to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, but she died on the day we were to travel there. She died in my hands at the hospital. On her birthday on July 17, she requested that I cooked fresh fish for her, but she could barely eat it. She suffered so much before her death.”
Due to a mounting hospital bill estimated to be more than N1m, her corpse was not released at the morgue to her family until Oyo State Governor Abiola Ajimobi intervened seven months later.
As a result, the late Dahunsi, who was the older of her parent’s two children, was only buried on February 12, 2016.
However, in an unexpected twist, last  Thursday, Orindare-Ajayi, who spoke on behalf of the deceased’s mother, said the process of withdrawing the case from court had begun, and even though the date of the next hearing was scheduled for April 29.
Orindare-Ajayi noted that the intervention of Governor Ajimobi and the fact that no favourable ruling from the court would bring back their daughter made the family to consider withdrawing the case from the court.
Their decision to withdraw the case from court nevertheless, the late pupil’s aunt said the family are still bearing the pain from the events that led to her hospitalisation and death.
She said, “She was always with me and even when the incident happened, she was living with me. Her mother is my sister. That was why I referred to her as my daughter.”
In an emotion-laden voice, a family friend of the Dahunsis, who preferred anonymity and said he had signed the release form of the deceased corpse, recalled, “We learnt that on that day (January 2015), a teacher entered her classroom and ordered those who were not taking the subject to leave. She was leaving with some of her friends when the school principal’s secretary, Mrs. Fashina, met them along the corridor.
“Instead of asking the pupils questions about their mission outside the classroom, she began to beat them one by one. In the process, her hand hit Dahunsi’s eye. She did not take it seriously but she told her aunt (Orindare-Ajayi), who she was living with at the time when she got home. Her aunt told her that she must have done something wrong which warranted the discipline.
“However, she bought eye drop and applied it to the affected eye. There was mid-term break at the time but before the school resumed again, the eye had gone worse. The mother visited the school to demand for what Fashina used to slap her daughter. There was an argument over the issue but when her father also visited the school, it was resolved that a test be carried out at an optical laboratory in Eleta area of Ibadan.”
He said the result showed there was a fracture around the eye, which also resulted in clotting of blood around the affected area. He noted that the principal and Fashina rejected the result because it implicated the woman who had slapped Dahunsi.
The family friend added, “They said they had someone at the University College Hospital(UCH) and demanded that another test be carried out at the UCH. According to the new scan result, a tumour was detected and that it was not as a result of the slapping. The consultant said the sum of N300,000 was needed to do a surgery. The result was in the custody of the principal and Fashina.
“The parents agreed that the surgery be done, but the necessary document needed by the hospital was not released by the principal and the secretary. The police had to be involved before the document was released three days after. By then, the girl had suffered so much.”
The case, he noted, was compounded by the inability of the parents to raise the amount needed for surgery immediately and the refusal of Fashina or the school to help, claiming that the new scan had exonerated the woman.
The surgery was later carried out after the Chief Medical Director of UCH, Prof. Temitope Alonge, was notified by Dahunsi’s aunt. By then, more damage had been done. Her head had swollen and she could no longer see with the affected right eye.
At the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, where she was later referred to, Dahunsi’s condition grew worse as she could no longer walk, her parents said she was also using diaper. She spent her 15th birthday on the hospital bed and in unbearable pain.
Orindare-Ajayi said she had taken Dahunsi’s picture on the bed and displayed it at Mushin market to raise money for her treatment.
“We sold everything we had to treat her and when there was nothing to sell again, we were using her picture to beg for money in Mushin area of Lagos and at the hospital gate. Before coming to Lagos, Seyi Makinde gave us money but everything was spent at UCH.
“Because she could not move around again, we were using adult diapers for her. We were buying six pieces for N2,500. One of her daily injections cost N3000 and she took four in a day. I have all the receipts,” she said.
Orindare-Ajayi told our correspondent that the family didn’t initially wish to take the matter to court, but the attitude of the school and that of Fashina informed the decision of the police to charge the secretary to court.
She said, “I reported the case at Adelubi police station in Alakia area of Ibadan when it was obvious that the school principal was shielding the secretary who slapped our daughter. When I went to the school, I said I was only interested in how the girl would be treated but the school did not let me meet her. It was when the police got involved that she was brought out.
“Her husband went to the station to insult the policemen so the Divisional Police Officer decided to transfer the case to the State Criminal Investigation Department in Iyaganku.”
Orindare-Ajayi said that it was more painful that until Dahunsi’s death, Fashina did not apologise or visit her in hospital.
She said, “Neither Fashina nor any of her relative visited us in the hospital or send anything to her. After her death, the charge against Fashina was changed to murder.
“The day of the next hearing date in court is April 29 but we have decided to withdraw the case from court. We felt that it was useless pursuing the case and moreover, Governor Ajimobi had intervened. Victory at the court will not revive our daughter who has gone to the lord to rest. The process of withdrawing the case began last Thursday.
“Our daughter was a lovely, honest and adorable child. Apart from her schooling, she was also training to become a fashion designer. She would have completed it soon if she had not died. Our solace is that she had Christ. If Fashina did not slap her in the eye, she would be alive today,” she said.
When contacted, the school principal, Iyabo Oladepo, told our correspondent on the telephone that her position as a civil servant did not allow her to speak on the matter, especially after the state government had waded in. She also said she no longer had anything to do with the case.
Efforts to reach Fashina failed as everyone close to her refused to give our correspondent her number.
Also, the Public Relations Officer of the Oyo State Police Command, Adekunle Ajisebutu, told our correspondent on Friday that he had yet to be notified of the family’s decision to withdraw the case from court.
Speaking on behalf of the governor on the matter, Ajimobi’s Senior Special Assistant, Print and Broadcast Media, Akin Oyedele, said the concerned employee (Fashina) was retired from service while the principal was also transferred after being found culpable. He said the government would not condone any act capable of tarnishing the image of the state government.
He said, “The government is again using this opportunity to pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased and for the Almighty to grant the parents and her loved one the fortitude to bear the sad loss.
“Those allegedly found to be culpable in the incident that culminated in the hospitalisation of the deceased have been sanctioned by the state’s Teaching Service Commission after thorough investigation.
“The support staff at the centre of the incident was retired compulsorily by TESCOM after due process had been followed, while the principal was moved to another school, having been found not to be directly complicit.”
He added, “Admission of corporal punishment has rules, regulations and procedures, which is known to every stakeholder in the school system; a violation of which will not be condoned under any guise. We are using this opportunity to again remind all school heads to follow these rules and regulations to the letter before subjecting any pupil to corporal punishment in order not to incur the wrath of the government.”

Source: Punch Newspaper,Nigeria

Is MyAdvertisingPays a pyramid scheme or does one earn money with MAP legally?

Is MyAdvertisingPays a pyramid scheme or does one earn money with MAP legally?
Feb 3,2016 / By Rainer Barton

Because of many false reports and calculations on the Internet and because of the many requests I got, partly also from existing MAP partners, I want to take a stand on this subject. I went to Biloxi on January 25/26, 2016 to see Michael Deese personally, the founder and owner of MAP, so I got this information absolutely first-hand.
I’d like to use this opportunity also to respond once more to some of the aspects of the business model.
MyAdvertisingPays is often referred to as an MLM (multi-level marketing) company, others are calling it even a Ponzi scheme or a pyramid system. These people spend months, hour after hour, to write incredibly long reports, and this without ever having understood this business of MAP. According to the opinion of these Internet experts, and the emphasis here is on „opinion,“ MAP should have been insolvent already for the past 18 months. But thanks to its perfect business model MAP enjoys great financial health and also was able to hire a complete, experienced and highly qualified team of IT professionals using its own resources and thus is no longer forced to work with freelancers who need to share their lifeblood amongst several projects. In addition, there is a new, modern and unique Website in the works that will allow MyAdvertisingPays to achieve significantly higher revenues in the future.
Evidence of financial strength is also demonstrated by the fastest payouts in the industry as well as the incredibly strong support with an average response time of less than three hours.
MAP is an online advertising platform that sells products (advertisements, banner advertising and guaranteed visitors for a Web page) on its Website, as many other companies do. These products are offered existing partners of MAP in the form of Credit Packs (CPs) at a price of $49.99. Other revenues are coming in through renting banner space to major customers like Adhitz and Traffic Swarm. The amount of sales due to these key accounts (also called external revenue) varies daily and the percentage of the external revenue versus the sales of CPs also varies daily between 20 to 60%. External sales at MAP cannot be increased much further due to the design of the current Website, which is one of the reasons for the coming new Website. We even have to turn away business for that reason at the moment.
With MAP, profits (e.g. revenues minus costs) are distributed to the accounts of all the partners every 20 minutes, if they own at least one active CP and they have watched 10 advertisements within the last 24 hours. The number of CPs is the distribution key for the personal profit share. Simply put, the more CPs someone owns the higher his or her profit share.
It is often reported that MAP earns money on the advertisements of its partners in the Traffic Exchange, the internal MAP advertising page. This statement is, of course, wrong, because the partners have paid for their advertising here already by buying the CPs. However, five big banner advertisements are shown here with which MAP does earn money again. Another false statement is that the MAPper are being paid for their „clicking.“
To understand the business model, it is important to know, that CPs cost $49.99 each and that they participate in the profit sharing until they earned $60 each. Because MAP has an unlimited affiliate program, i.e. a referral program, the recommending partners are here rewarded with up to 10% commissions an sales of their partners.
Out of this business model, the following questions arise for the sceptics and critics:
Is this business model legal or a hidden pyramid scheme?
Where does MAP take the money from to pay out its partners more than what these have paid for the products?
Why does Michael Deese pass on incredible 95% of the profits?

Is MyAdvertisingPays legal or a hidden pyramid scheme?
In today’s information age, many thousands, even very well known companies are using the friendship advertising as a revenue turbo.
From A – like Amazon to Z – like Zalando, you find referral links on Websites. The commisions people get for their recommendations are far below the usual distribution costs of those companies. On top of that comes the quick, free propagation of the brand name on the Internet, which is an additional value for the publicity of the company. The referral business is therefore extremely profitable for businesses. One of the allegations of skeptics is that MAP generates its revenues primarily through existing members and that it later then distributes or redistributes the profits to existing partners.
For comparison, let’s look at the ADAC company in Germany with its nearly 19 million members. Here too, there is a recommendation link and enormous commissions. Looking at their Website more closely, one realizes that the ADAC itself recommends many other businesses, and it probably doesn’t do this for just a warm handshake.
Does the ADAC have a legal business model?
Is the money of the members worth less than the money that is generated by other sources within the comany, or is this just the forming of a WIN-WIN situation for the company and its member?
Ok, let’s take a look at another company, this time an international one as the pay-TV broadcaster Sky. Here, you also have to be a member, a partner or a subscriber, it does not matter what you call it. And again, you have to pay for a service and you can then recommend it to others.
Is this TV station going to be banned now, because here too very good money is paid for recommendations and also money earned with advertising?
Isn’t it up to each company alone how much it wants to spend on recommendation advertising from its profits?
Is the government intervening if up to 150 Euros are being paid just because someone recommends the „Sportbild“ magazine, or, listen to this, several hundred Euros for the recommendation of health insurance?
So far, I have never heard that this were unlawful practice and there weren’t any discussions, as far as I know, when washing machines, books, telephone contracts, electricity contracts or insurances and so much more were recommended for a commission. But the product „advertising“ which is marketed here just like all other products with a one-level referral commission, this should be an illegal pyramid scheme?
Isn’t that funny?
Now that everyone knows that the recommendation of advertising is illegal, one could use that as a reason to proceed against Google, right? They are also paying recommendation commissions. The only difference to MAP is that the bulk of the money goes to the shareholders.
Who does not advertise, dies. This was already recognized by Henry Ford – and a referral commission is the price for an advertisement that was successful and so, we have another WIN-WIN situation again.
How much more are companies spending on advertising without returning a success, meaning a sale?
My recommendation to all who are doubting, who are skeptical or even think that these business models are prohibited, please just enter „affiliate marketing“ as a search term in Wikipedia.
You’ll find that MAP does not differ here from thousands of well-known companies in this world. There is a highly effective distribution channel at work here which has proven itself very well in the fast world of the Internet.
Where does the money come from to pay the partners and why does MAP pay out 95% of the profits as commissions and profit share?
As described already before, every business is living from sales, and so does MAP. The difference between services or products compared to the MAP products lies in the production costs. MAP is selling digital consumer products which are costing virtually no money to produce. MAP products generate traffic, the gold of the Internet. However, the same business laws still apply as for any other business. Without sales, no profit. Of course, MAP has costs to pay, employees must be paid, servers are costing money, rent and social security as well as research and development are not going to be given for free to MAP just because Mike Deese has such a beautiful smile. MAP doesn’t differ from another company here. If there are no or too few sales, the company suffers a loss and has to apply for bankruptcy.
For the company itself it doesn’t really matter a whole lot whether the money comes from the so-called external buyers or from the partners.
At this point, I’d like to make a one-time digression on the subject of external revenue and the number of active MAPper. The so-called Internet experts want to draw conclusions from the data they are getting from Adhitz. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint these experts a little because the displayed „unique clicks“ from MAP members are showing only the number of partners who are still logging themselves in via the main page and not via the Login page as most of the MAPpers now do.

The second disappointment for enviers and hobby networker will be the kind of payment model that Michael Deese has chosen to use. There are two common options. With currently over 112 million clicks per month you’d assume that the „pay per view“ payment model applies where only the actual display of the banner advertisement will be paid. This is based on calculations one can find in the Internet. These calculations are completely wrong.
The actual payment model that Mike Deese as a publisher of the MyAdvertisementPays site offers is the „pay per click“ payment. A payment is only made when a banner is actually clicked, this is happening far less often, but the returns are still many times higher. As described already above, the external advertising is at its absolute limit with regard to sales, with the new Website those requests can be accepted that MAP currently has to turn away. I think it doesn’t get any better than being completely sold out with a 100% utilization. No one could have foreseen this and the high number of partners at the start 2 Years ago.
One of the most frequently asked questions regarding MAP from prospects, MAPper themselves and of course the skeptics ist the question about the 20% that a CP earns on top of what it had cost.

This alone for the reasons I have just described. At this point, I would like to explain this so that it is really comprehensible for everyone because this is such an important aspect of the business model.
A Credit Pack costs $49,99 of which 5% are going to the company and up to $5 to the sponsor – his or her reward for having made the recommendation. $42.50 can now be recorded as profit, i.e. can be booked towards the profit share. So, we now have a difference of $17.50 between the target earning of $60, that each Credit Pack has to generate, and this profit share. Based on the $42.50, this comes not to 20% but rather 41%, more than double the percentages than what is obtained in those known calculations.
But, because 5% of the $60 are flowing into the AdFund, which are remaining within the company, MAP generates another revenue stream in this ingenious way and reduces the money that must be generated by $3 down to $14.50.
The amounts in the balance and in the AdFund are always freely available to the partner. Therefore, the sum of all accounts for both balances represents the current and exact liability of MAP to its partners.
This amount, called by Mike Deese the „earmark“, is available to the system at all times and that is checked several times a day. If a partner now buys a Credit Pack from his balance, the liabilities are reduced and the paid amount turns into revenue, as described above. The „earmark“ total is parked in the so-called Reserve Fund and it is at this moment no longer money belonging to MAP, but of course managed by MAP. Purchases from the balance (Reserve Fund) are categorized for the calculation as new revenue. Additionally, 5% of commissions are flowing into the AdFund, yet ensuring higher revenues again.
MAP does not want to, can not nor is it allowed to guarantee any profits; if profits are made they are varying every day anyway.
Now, I am getting to the biggest errors that are made in all calculations I found on the Internet, namely the time factor. Even without a single cent from external deposits this concept would be completely legal and function to 100%. The partner would still get the products from the purchases made but the profit share would be lower, so that you have to assume that it might take 150 to 200 days until a CP has reached its target value of $60.
A question to the kings of Excel tables, would this still be a good deal? I think so, but everyone must answer this for themselves.
Let’s look at the reality. $14,50 per Pack and a runtime of 120 days corresponds to about 12 cents of external revenue per day. If you put these 12 cents in relation to the 50 cents profit share per day, this comes out to about 25% that the external sales have to generate in revenue.
During my first visit to Biloxi 2 years ago Mike Deese spoke of fluctuating external revenues between 20 and 60%. Therefore, it is no wonder that now, at full utilization of external advertising space, the runtime of CPs lies well below 120 days.
What du you think, are the prices for external advertising falling or rising if the number of page visits increases?
If MAP continues to pass on 95% of the profits even if the revenue is varying, anybody can figure out that this is a business to stay for eternity.
Mike Deese knows that he can spend each Dollar only once, so that is why he took great care that no fantasy figures are going to be paid just to look better than the competion in comparison. The companies that do this, more than 40, have come and gone, but MAP is standing here solid as a rock.
After more than 2 years now MAP has proved this in a very impressive way, thousands of Diamonds are forced to make withdrawals because of the limitation to 1200 Packs. Would a pyramid scheme try to keep the money in the system or would it force its partners to make withdrawals?
Many Diamonds have not sponsored a single partner and yet receive their withdrawals punctually and quickly; how can that be if in a pyramid scheme one is paid from the money of recruited people?

Lets get to the question now why 95% of the profits are paid out.
Not everyone of the nearly 250,000 registered partners at MAP is active. In the Internet industry the percentage is nevertheless very high compared to other online companies. The number of CPs is turned over about 3.5 times within a year. With thousands of Diamonds and many, many thousand partners who are on their way to become Diamonds, one can assume that many millions of CPs were purchased from MAP. If you multiply that number, and I’ll leave that number up to your imagination for now, with $2.50, a very handsome amount is indeed the result. This amount is definitely enough to cover the costs of MAP, but a fund is established here in addition.
The prerequisite for this business model is solely traffic, i.e. visitors to a Website. Search engines like Google, social networks like Facebook, video channels like YouTube that are all generating traffic are already in existence and they would be a much too overwhelming competition for a startup company. So, he came up with the idea to pay his partners decently for the traffic. True, similar companies exist already too but in those, 95% of the profits are flowing into the company and less than 5% to the partners; that these 5% are easily enough for the entrepreneur and person Michael Deese I have already proved formidably above.
The success is reflected by the breathtaking number of clicks on the Website. Every partner is being paid 72 times a day and is looking into his account several times daily. The saying that MAP is addicting doesn’t come from nothing but this happens much for the benefit of the company and for the own account.
So, I hope that I answered this question to your complete satisfaction too.
If you have now recognized the ingeniousness of MyAdvertisingPays, as thousands of MAPpers have, your questions are answered and you have a good feeling about starting with MAP, I’d like to offer my knowledge and my coaching free of charge to you. We are taking your road to MAP together.

Your success is my priority. Contact me via your comment or send me a mail on text/call/whatsapp +2348068518410.

UK Jobs offer

If you have family and friends nurses in the Caribbean, Africa or anywhere please send them links to apply for jobs in the UK now. Home office has just relaxed the law to recruit outside the EU.

Visit: for updates.
Tell those who can access the internet to visit the home office page for more information.

I Hope it Helps Someone 💕

Friday, 1 April 2016

Recruitment of 10,000 Policemen Begins Today, April 1, 2016

The recruitment of 10,000 policemen by the Police Service Commission (PSC) begins nationwide on today, April 1, 2016. President Muhammadu Buhari had last year at the National Security Summit in Abuja directed the recruitment of 10,000 Nigerians into the Force to address the obvious shortfall in the manpower needs of the police.
Speaking on the recruitment exercise yesterday in Abuja, the PSC Chairman, Mike Okiro warned the commission workers who would be involved in the screening of candidates to avoid any act that may compromise the integrity of the exercise.
Okiro said any worker involved in any misconduct during the exercise will be sanctioned in line with the Public Service Rules and may be prosecuted for sabotage.
He admonished the workers to live above board “as the commission is ready to make a huge success of this presidential assignment in line with its resolution to discharge its duties within the ambit of the law, transparently, and according to laid down rules.”
Okiro also warned the candidates to desist from indulging or inducing the workers of the commission, stressing that anyone caught will be arrested and prosecuted.
He explained that the Nigeria Police Force deserved the best brains in the Nigerian society, stressing that the PSC would ensure that only the best would be engaged as policemen.
Meanwhile, the Nigeria Police Force has acquired 4,388 housing units in 22 housing estates across the country for purchase by its personnel.
The Inspector-General of Police, Solomon Arase, who disclosed this yesterday in Abuja, stated that 700 housing units were acquired under his administration, while 2,291 were under various stages of construction.
Speaking during the inauguration of the NPF Brick City Housing Estate, Kubwa, Abuja, the IG said the Estates were acquired by the Nigeria Police Cooperative Multipurpose Society Limited, which was established in 1977 to develop and improve the welfare of police officers.

 2016 Nigerian Police Recruitment Form - All Required Documents
2016 Nigerian police recruitment form - Application guideline for APRIL 2016 - This is to inform you that Nigerian police will start its recruitment from April 1 ,2016.
I have listed some of things that will be required when the Nigerian police online recruitment begins. Before filling the Nigerian police recruitment form online, ensure you meet the requirements below.
1. You must be a citizen of Nigeria
2. You must have a valid identity card. You can use your voters card, Driving licenses or international passport.
3. You must have your first school leaving certificate
4. Five credit pass including English language and mathematics is compulsory. (For those applying for Police Constables)
5. Ordinary National Diploma (OND), Advanced Level (A level), National Certificate in Education (NCE) or their equivalents for Cadet Inspectors.
6. University degree or a Higher National Diploma (HND) for Nigerian Police Recruitment Cadet ASP applicants.

Experienced Tutor Needed !!!

A reputable institution in Wuse 2, Abuja is in need of the services of experienced tutors in the following subjects:
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Igbo Language
  • French language

Interested candidates should forward their resume to or call any of these numbers: 0809 214 5791 /08183133433. on or before 9:00am Monday 4th April,2016.